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Gender pay equality

Our position

Gender pay equality

Our position

We aim to provide an equitable and caring community.

Our position on gender pay equality.

Empowering equality

At Summerland, our dedication to gender equality stems from our deeply ingrained values and community-centric ethos. Embracing diversity and inclusion, our core values of People and Ethics guide us in fostering a workplace that values respect and ethical conduct. We’re proud to represent a community composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds and beliefs.

Our stance

Gender equity in the workplace is not just a goal but a cornerstone of our Equal Opportunity philosophy. This commitment is realised through various initiatives, including comprehensive training programs for employees, fair and merit-based recruitment practices, and a leadership team that reflects a balanced gender composition. 

Executive team

Our Executive team is a testament to our commitment, with 4 outstanding females and 2 exceptional males. This balance is maintained throughout our organisation, from managers to professionals and clerical/sales employees. We believe in equal opportunities for promotion, training, and development for all our employees. 

Maternity leave

The journey toward gender equality extends beyond professional roles to support the personal milestones in our employees lives. We take pride in our approach to maternity leave, with 100% of females returning, often transitioning into part-time roles with full support, including covering the difference between government parental leave payments and full-time rates for up to 22 weeks. 


Flexibility is a cornerstone of our commitment, offering a range of work arrangements to meet the diverse needs of our employees. Whether it’s compressed hours, remote work, or part-time and job-sharing options, we strive to create an inclusive environment that caters to individual circumstances. 

Our gender pay gap

Summerland’s average total remuneration gender pay gap is at 24%. This is equivalent to the mid-point of all employer gender pay gap in the comparison group. 

*a positive percentage indicates men are paid more than. A negative percentage indicates that women are paid more than men.

We currently have a workforce consisting of 32% males and 68% females. While we recognise a minor imbalance in the upper quartile, specifically in the Information Technology department, we are steadfast in our commitment to pay equity. 

Our Remuneration Policy is designed to be competitive and aligns with similar-sized financial organisations to attract and retain leadership talent. Annual reviews, benchmarking exercises, and participation in salary surveys ensure our salary structures remain fair and competitive.

Drivers of our gender pay gap

  • Our workforce composition, with 68% females and 32% males, significantly influences our gender pay gap. 
  • The Information Technology department, where we currently have 100% males in the upper quartile, contributes to a minor imbalance due to salary differences necessary to attract specialised IT staff. 
  • Management-level positions show a healthy balance, with 21 females and 13 males in leadership roles. 
  • In sales and administrative employees, recruitment trends have leaned towards females, but recent efforts have increased the number of male employees in the sales department. 
  • Recruitment challenges in a competitive regional market, especially in the past 12 months, have influenced the speed of filling positions. 

Our action plan

Summerland’s commitment to gender equity remains steadfast, and our action plan reflects our dedication: 

  • Implementing recruitment and selection training for managers, emphasising EEO principles, diversity, and inclusion. 
  • Incorporating changes to our parental leave policy in alignment with updates to the Industrial Relations Act. 
  • Including a reminder in the Employee FAQs about the agreement of up to 10 staying connected days for returning parents. 
  • Refurbishing a privacy room to support breastfeeding mothers returning to work. 
  • Offering a career development program to empower staff in mapping out their professional journeys. 
  • Continuation of flexibility at work guidelines to accommodate personal needs. 
  • As we continue this journey, Summerland invites our community to stand with us in the pursuit of true gender equality and empowerment. 

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