Navigating social media safely.
In our interconnected world, social media platforms play a vital role in our daily routines. They allow us to connect with friends, share life experiences, and access valuable information.
However, these platforms can also be a place where scammers try to take advantage.
Awareness is your best defence. Read on to learn more.

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You can report your card as lost or stolen 24/7 in our App, through Internet Banking, or by phoning 1300 728 728.
Don't delay - as the quicker you let us know, the faster we can help protect you.
Common social media scams.
Fake profiles and impersonation scams.
Scammers create profiles that mimic friends, celebrities, or companies to gain your trust. Be cautious about accepting requests or messages from unknown individuals. Verify profiles by checking pictures, mutual friends, and previous posts.
Investment and Lottery Scams.
You’re a winner, baby! But are you really? Question any notification of a prize that requires you to pay a fee or provide personal information to claim it, or investment opportunities promising low-risk high-return. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Romance Scams:
Who doesn’t want to be loved? Scammers establish a fake romantic relationships online, gaining someone’s trust before requesting money for various, urgent reasons. Be cautious about sharing details with someone you’ve only met online, and avoid sending money to unknown individuals.
Staying aware is the key to staying secure.
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Staying scam aware.
Scammers use various tactics to steal money or information, posing as trusted contacts, sending deceptive messages, or resorting to threats. To stay scam safe, don’t trust claims without verification, avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments, and cut contact if threatened.
Remember: Stop. Think. Protect. Pause before sharing information, question if the message is authentic, and act quickly if something feels wrong.
How business email compromise scams can affect you
Recently, a Summerland Bank customer fell victim to an email scam after paying a fake invoice received through email. Scammers had altered the bank details in the email and deceived the customer.