Our history
It's our diamond jubilee this year, join us as we reflect with pride and gratitude.
A message from our CEO
Sixty years ago, we embarked on a journey that went beyond banking, focusing on community, resilience, and shared purpose.
This year, we celebrate our 60th anniversary and the legacy we have built together.
Summerland Bank is more than a financial institution; it is an integral part of our region.
From the hinterlands to the coast, we have supported families, farmers, entrepreneurs, and dreamers. We have faced challenges bravely and emerged stronger. Our commitment to social and environmental responsibility is a core value, guiding our actions. As we look back, we honour those who laid our foundation.
As we reach this milestone, our commitment remains steadfast—to deliver better banking and stronger communities. Let’s continue to innovate, serve with passion, and keep our vision forward. The next 60 years will be even more remarkable.
Let’s celebrate our community spirit and continue to share our stories and kindness.
Chief Executive Officer: John Williams.
Landmark events
Take a look at how far we’ve come together.